Resident Evil village

Developers : Capcom

Engine : RE Engine

Platforms: PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox

        But when it comes to the village, they're just the tip of the iceberg being stepped on is only the beginning had Don't worry, this is a spoiler free blog. Many were disappointed when resume will jump from third to First Person with the seventh venture in the franchise but somehow village makes that previous game look like a beta. Everything has been expanded upon here and the controls feel more responsive and fluid whereas resin evil seven feels like a testcase Village is a full blown first person experience sculpting for the titular village in the opening hours what it feels desperate or dangerous but as a third person, it feels confined and unfamiliar so quickly the player will go from rummaging around looking for supplies to make it a nerve racking.

    Well yeah again with this it's no easy feat for a franchise to stick around for over a quarter century but yet again with this latest installment in the resin Evil franchise have come approve they're the kings of survival horror after the quite lean resin evil three remake all eyes are on Capcom to prove that they still had a substantial game when you're whining almost.

    The scares are intensified with such a small field of view. Not only that, but every nook and cranny is dripping with detail in this game at least on PS five anyway, villages by far the best looking game Capcom have committed to code but you can't go into detail about the perspective without going into combat and that's where this game truly shines the faceless protagonist thief in his back and this time he's here to fight in Britain the war village players will be engaging in a lot more combat but don't worry, this certainly isn't an ARRI six situation the biome the PlayStation door sets This is nice fluid feeling that you will gain with other hand Sony's new controllers be realized the full effect here and really goes a long way to make village feel like a next gen title. Every weapon feels unique and this controller gives them purpose firing a shotgun in this for example has a real punch to it every attack is felt and this just completes the experience Capcom have set the bar when it comes to the use of the hand controls that combined with the results triggers, it's all just presented enough to notice but without getting in the way like certain other games sniper headshots are also surprisingly achievable to pull off in the heat of battle unlike any other game ever minds are actually useful in this which really helps mix up the gameplay and village it doesn't have to be said though but after a few hours the knife doesn't really have much effect. It just feels a bit useless and I feel sorry for those people going for knife only runs in this one you're going to be in for some pain here. Another aspect in the village excels is the performances the entire run of Britain evil games has never really been about the emotional impact. Sure, there might have been a system looking for a robber. But now the story has some real pump which is quite surprising for a Resident Evil game. They can't be nature is still here only really shows its head when the villains are about when it comes down to it. This is quite a serious story and this time Ethan isn't so much of a blank slate. As for the runtime, the player will really come to connect with him the voice after Todd soul he really sells even struggles here and makes him feel more human than ever. But surprisingly, the combination between camp and hard hitting story revelations don't really clash. They mix together in a way that just somehow works. And that's because none of the performances here let the side down. The player might have just been for a hellish ordeal but then the mood is suddenly light again thanks to the ducal the twister Eisenberg This is also the best Christmas ever be. He now feels like the true franchise lead that it was meant to be back in the earlier games each time he and even me some of the best acting resin evil was ever had.

For 16 years reasonable four has been the benchmark many games in the series the top but straight up this game feels that playing a revamped resume will fall but first person from the colorful cast of characters to the swap of environments Capcom has really gone all out here without giving anything away the early hours of village a terrifying and a real test for those who don't want any punches polled Castle Dumitrescu then offers up a totally different style of play thanks in part to a certain tall lady being hot and even this tail and then later on gameplay and wasted progress are shifted. Once again. Each of the four lords of the area are more than just a photo overcome and they really make this one of the most diverse versus evil game to the day. This really feels like Capcom going all the way back to the grid hits and rolling them all up into one package. Even the beloved inventory system is back and organizing items and that thing is a game in itself. Something also has to be said about the big man, the Duke this games merchant is more than just the laughing hooded figure and he's always in the right place at the right time offer not only goods but actually written dialogue each and every time even meet him is a welcomed encounter. Proper exploration has never really been done in a reasonable game before. In fact, the areas have always been pretty small. Sure resume before felt big at the time, but there was only really a few houses per area and maybe a counter kill versus comparison here outside Resident Evil would probably be viewed within to even then village pros that outweigh any worries and survival horror fans have before will be swept away in the first few hours. The scares and the atmosphere is still here can nothing's watered down. Thankfully Resident Evil has moved turned into every other triple A game trekking through the village is chilly at any point not only will be enemies behind and around every corner this is the most vertical Resident Evil game in the franchise and it really does pay off to watch out for lichens on the roofs just waiting to attack and the lichens are like no other resin evil enemy we've ever had their staff are cautious, clever and aggressive at the same time. And seriously what the flaw with the mold is from reasonable seven they're more of a threatened zombies and resonated with turn three and somehow more tactical than Granada's or four. There's the more standard shambling our enemy here as well. But these goblin fellows don't offer much challenge and they're really a bullet sponge. The tried and trusted map system is also back the one first rebound from reasonable to remake that players know that areas are clear and when treasure might be locked doors and where certain animals reside. And this is all vital to getting new upgrades as the Dukes always going to be willing to buy treasure and make some food for Ethan speaking of the do a great deal of the enjoyment in this game is going to be meeting him no matter where he might pop up. How can we really know what they were doing this one bring in a beloved mechanic back from the fourth install. The big man even references the old merchant upgrading weapons in video games so it's all rather soldiers who just feel that watching those numbers go up. This certainly isn't the case of village the Duke is funny welcoming and there's a layer of mystique there. But after every purchase an upgrade it provides flavor text and never really repeats himself if you're the full Duke experience just bring him food for some of the recipes that help you have health and block up breads. He'll be shorter lick his lips whatever that really till next week. And speaking of those lips they gloriously rendered in the REI engine in the AAA space for the most part games have looked phenomenal for a while now. And after Capcom moved on from the empty framework engine. You could easily argue that the RE engine holds up with the best of them for so games later. Come out swinging wood village again is a real graphical showpiece when the villages code base know every crunch underneath even the speed then in Castle Dumitrescu. The rooms are welcoming and warm. There were some swampy areas that fill in look disgusting and so much more enough ahead. I can't talk about yet when to whistle for the trees leaving us and certainly they've been stoked on off. Combine that with the ambient sounds of the castle chambers and the fear of this game. Utterly consume you at times though it does have to be said that this game doesn't really feel too hard now.

Enjoy the game and thank you for following me.

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