Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order


Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order:

                                                Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order should excite you know a lot of you think Star Wars with big huge Uncharted style action set pieces you know climbing and jumping as amazing stuff happens and explodes around you while the main character goes oh no, no no no no, then they slow it down with some very Metroid Prime esque planetary exploration and puzzle solving and pays some wall running and platforming very much feeling like Titanfall two and combat that reminds me of Sekiro shadows die twice with a dash of like the most recent thought of war, a little bit of the main loop or flow and be compared to something like a soul of like, you know you kill enemies get experienced and rested upon fire for periods of meditation point any level of your therapist. If you die, you have a chance to go back and kill the enemy that kills you in order to get back your experience, it's not the crushing hard like a souls like game but you definitely have to pay attention. Now some of these you've heard me describe a lot of this in earlier videos but the block parry button in this game is definitely your friend, if you're fighting a low level regular Stormtrooper and you know what our attack patterns. You can get a perfectly timed parry one hit kill with one lightsaber strike, and that makes a lightsaber feel like it should. It's extremely Sekiro very samurai makes that avenue of combat, damn good. It's definitely at its best, one on one. Now for most enemies you're fighting to whittle down their block meter so then you can have them vulnerable and tell them in just a few strikes. It's satisfying and it works well with force push or force slow because you can slow an attack or classical and dodge around it and get a killing strength.

                             Now in motion, really cool. It's really fun. It's also a good balancing of the lightsaber predicament as I call it, you know, how do you make a game fun and challenging when you have a laser sword that can cut through everything and you're basically a god. You know the game wants a fair compromise like it doesn't feel like very easy mode cutting through everyone and it also doesn't feel like a cheap baseball bat, I think they've done a good job. I embrace them love every single fight from deflecting a blaster bolt from doorkeepers that actually have surprisingly okay to force pushing a dude off of a cliff to a two handed overhead downward slash a large me kind of like angry anagen style, You might think it looks okay from watching videos but I think it plays much better than it was. I will say, I wish there was more enemy variety, the game isn't the worst with it but I would have loved, way more different things for fights and also there's a couple of bigger kind of like boss creature enemies that are just nowhere near as fun as fighting like another person with a staff or a lightsaber, you know what I mean, there are three main difficulty modes in the game tells you exactly how it changes with each one, you know, normal is just a bit too easy icon so thankfully when the game ramps it up. It doesn't just make the enemies to SingHealth tanks, it makes the timing window smaller, so you have to get better. That's a solid choice in combat difficulty right there and selection and I think that enough warrant labeling. Now you gain some main abilities through the story and other smaller tasks and helping some stuff do leveling up in the field, which is pretty standard stuff but it's focused in three separate areas and combat force, and then tell the main characters themselves, you access this is a fairly lengthy and generous skill tree through the meditation voice I mentioned earlier that throughout the world, you're also finding cosmetic standards for you, your Droid and your ship. Now they all look pretty cool. But the big thing for me was finding lightsaber components here's lightsaber workbenches that you can then access to tweak the look and color of your lightsaber with various switches, sweet emitters and construction material, they've all pretty, you know, purely cosmetic although the sound could be slightly different. 

                        I think I really appreciate, but it still manages to be satisfying, despite it not having actual and the nicest surprise about the game for me though was the Starmap. That shouldn't be used, operated by a new alien character he was really freaking love houses some collectibles conversations with characters and a big old console in the middle with a star map, you have some limited freedom to actually bounce around between planets which works out great with the exploration abilities, inside of game play, earn for stability. Now go back to a previous planet and access other areas you couldn't previously with the new stuff, but thankfully it feels more substantial than just kind of opening a door. Perfect example, my third planet in probably the first major one. After I completed the main story arc I got to the thing, I got a clue, and I learned that I needed to go to another planet. Well, the game has no fast travel so I have to journey back to the landing as where my ship. Now all my messy way of stumbling back with a new board power I learned along the way I just kept opening up new things and wandering into new paths and ended up playing around on that world for like an extra 45 minutes. I cannot respond to an impressive world design. One thing though is that there's a lot of platforming and I still don't quite know how I feel about it. It sort of takes me out of the atmosphere. When I have to jump on a bunch of platforms and supermario over and over and over again in my head, I'm kind of like, Yeah, there's definitely a video game, so I don't know how much like Star Wars theorists are going to love walls running and jumping and climbing and falling and restarting over and over again. 

                        Thankfully, I still found the platforming quite solid, so it didn't really bother me. It's actually kind of satisfying points, especially when we're puzzle involved, but it's also the weirdest standout of the main flow and loops of the game, which are otherwise really great I think of these core pillars of being like the weakest one and I just wanted to point that out, especially if you hate platforming sequences in third person games. Now there are some technical issues I have seen some odd texture and model popping during cutscenes and some frame drops in what otherwise is a really, really good looking game. Now just so you're informed I've also heard and seen videos of more technical issues and stuff on ps4 as well. There's nothing gamebreaking but noticeable to the point that I hoping to get cleaned up with accuracy in some areas of the game feel slightly undercooked. Especially some weird animation stuff with tricking the system if you're playing with a controller, but now I haven't gotten into story stuff, too much because I don't want to spoil things, but also because I was hoping that some of the big Star Wars ended snuck around to this point in the video, I did enjoy the story here. It kind of has the typical video game thing of not quite doing enough. So, for the end like it does the thing where it ends, just when it starts to really cook and, you know, still what I love most is how the game nonchalantly does Star Wars world building, like oh yeah that cool Star Wars thing over there. Yes, whatever. It does that a lot and it just kind of flexes in, it made me smile pretty often, new and interesting planets and creatures are created and you often visit some even more favorites as well as well as a couple, a little planet named drops that made me really hadn't seen creatures in the universe, but you don't often see on the big screen, I just really appreciate that stuff that stuff for me as a Star Wars fan goes a long way. Tell the main character is okay. He comes off a little generic, I know but I think the accurate, Cameron Monaghan, does a great job acting with what he's given my favorites, though, the real show Steelers are all the supporting characters of heroes and villains, your little Mary crew, as well as the Inquisitors which I think are perfectly well represented here they feel like they're in the beta comments especially, it's not the longest game but it doesn't feel like bullshit short thanks to how it plays with a corporation, depending on how you play and just what difficulty you're on, you probably be anywhere from 17 hours to 38 hours depending on whether or not you're a completionist, that's not a lot for some people, a lot of people want the Witcher three when it's been $60 of video game price that hasn't really risen since the early 90s And that's the compensation for a whole other video, I guess I do wish the game was slightly longer more so for me, just so it could have, you know, some of the ending Landing stuff of this.

                                     Still, I think this is a very good video game, it's respond or developers in part one, it is completely free of EA microtransactions, which I know is what everyone is going to bring up.

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