Far Cry New Dawn


Far Cry New Dawn:

                                There are a lot of open world games from Ubisoft and my two personal favorites are Assassin's Creed and Far Cry, I played Far Cry five back when it first released in 2018, I personally loved it and for some reason, I completely held off I'm playing Far Cry New Dawn, I guess I kind of just figured it was a reskin Far Cry five and it wasn't really worth the playthrough, and I was kind of right but make no mistake, there's so a lot of fun to be had and Far Cry New Dawn takes place 17 years after the dark and confusing ending the 4k size and he plays a captain of security, I don't really like the train far tries going with their main characters in which they never speak and don't even have names, the protagonist is a blank slate that you can customize to look what you want them to look like even though the only time you're going to see them is when you're in the customization screen, the character you play is really similar to that of the deputy from parfait by which you're kind of just some guy that is thrown into the world and now you have to find the coals now in New Dawn the Colt you're fighting are called the highwayman and they are liked by evil twins Mickey and Mickey and we were actually some pretty cool and interesting villains, but there's nothing about them that really makes them feel unique or scary in comparison to the rest of the villains from the series. In fact, it almost felt like your character could easily beat the twins at any moment, Mickey and Lou kind of took a backseat for me as well as I was much more interested in the ending and closer to the character of Joseph, see, I thought it was really cool to see the all powerful and evil villain from Far Cry five appear broke and I'm full of regret. It also was having to live with the consequences of killing thousands of innocent, all while trying to tame and prevent his son Ethan from craving power and making the same mistakes. He did the ending the Joseph's story was actually pretty emotional and I actually felt really bad and cared for Joseph, which I definitely would not have said at the end of our pipeline, we also got to see a lot of returning characters from Far Cry five like pastures row, Grace Armstrong and Nick Rye and Kim Rye, I thought him right and her daughter Carmina were a great supporting cast, especially since in Far Cry five you watch Carmina be born and became her godfather, the deputy from Far Cry five was also in the game, although he was hardly even mentioned, like he was the judge at New Eden, you can also hire him as a gun for hire, which I thought was pretty cool.

                     Honestly though, my biggest issue with Far Cry New Dawn story is how short it is, there are only 22 story missions in the short run time doesn't allow for much development or screen time for the plant, which is why the final boss battle feels rushed in mature. If you love parkerized gameplay then you will not be disappointed by Far Cry new dawn, the gameplay is pretty much identical. So Far Cry five, and this didn't bother me because I really liked 4k High fives gameplay. There are also some new features like double jump, or enhanced stealth and a super fun stability that shake things off a bit and put upon spin on hard drives already enjoyable gameplay, assassinations are brewed on a nice variety of unique guns and equipment, like the Sol launcher or the unicorn flame tour as a bit of flavor to the combat but there is one major flaw that really killed a bit of the experience and that is the complete lack of gun customization. I was super disappointed to find that Far Cry new dawn had no gun customization, if you didn't like a scope on your weapon or wanted to have it suppressors, that's tough because only thing you can change about your weapon is the amount of damage it does by upgrading and if you wanted to suppress weapon you would have to craft an entire new one. I can't explain how much this was a buzzkill to me because I absolutely loved the customization from Far Cry five, the lack of customization doesn't suck as much as there are still a lot of weapons that all have different purposes but it definitely still left me disappointed Vector customization was also a bit of a downgrade from Far Cry five with less options for clothes and outfits. 

                    Now the customization is a bit of a bummer but new zones take on the outpost has been my favorite in the entire series, as they allow you to scavenge an outpost and replay it as many times as you want with the difficulty of the enemies progressively getting harder each time it was a great way to farm ethanol and I've always worked completing the outposts in Far Cry, like that has always been my favorite part of the game Barclay New Dawn also introduced a new side mission known as expeditions and which you find a completely new and unique map, where you have to seal an item and escape without being killed, these expeditions were new and fresh experience and for the most part I really enjoyed them. There were also some great distractions in the game like treasure hunts and lootable location, introduced one mysteries and exploration the new home based system and prosperity I found to also be great and motivated my friend and I to grind aside content so we could level up our base and a lot of cool new abilities and features. Now do be aware, this game is pretty small in terms of content, there are only 10 side missions and a small handful of outposts and expeditions, it took me and my friend only 17 hours to complete all the site objectives and restore it. So if you're looking for games to just pour your time into Far Cry New Dawn probably isn't your best bet, I played the entirety of Far Cry new dawn with one of my friends and overall I thought the co op was pretty solid. We never got any connection issues and all the missions were accessible with CO. The one issue with Co Op is that the second player, the one who joins those often get screwed over, like for example I was the host and only I got the Joseph Seed abilities, my friend didn't get any of them. I also got a lot more perk points for completing challenges and the upgrades for prosperity were only counted on my save game, so if my friend wanted to go and play on his own save, he wouldn't have any of the upgrades or progression, it is not a huge deal but my friend was pretty frustrated and not being awesome abilities from Joseph Seed.

                    As you may know Far Cry New Dawn takes place in Hope County just like Far Cry 5 unfortunately though Far Cry New Dawn takes place in a sectioned off part of Hope County, leaving a map, only a fraction of the size and park right by Far Cry New Dawn version of Hope County is a lot more vibrant and colorful than the original, it was obvious Ubisoft did this so it didn't feel like you were just playing on the exact same map, and for the most part, it worked. I liked this very colorful version of Hope County and see some of the old locations from Far Cry 5 was pretty cool. However, the world definitely lacks variety but to be fair, you're going to find much variety in a place like Montana, the world does a pretty good job of going distractions at you with quick time events, especially monsters to hunt and airdrops full of blue to make the world feel more alive and active again the world does feel quite small but it's still a fun and colorful world to traverse, no I'm sure if you're playing to get this game up and see you're probably wondering how this game runs, and the answer is, it runs pretty well, if you have a mid to high end PC you should be able to run this game on ultra graphics and it will give us a decent frame rate, there were some areas where you could feel the frames drop a significant amount, but other than that part 10 You're done is a pretty smooth ride.

                With All Things Considered to show you by Far Cry New Dawn in 2020 and well if you're a big fan of the Far Cry series and love the parka gameplay, or maybe you play Far Cry five and are curious to know what happens, then yeah, I would say you should buy it.

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