Resident Evil 3 Remake:
Resident Evil three this remake of the 1999 Classic is hot on the heels of a remake of Resident Evil two which was in the 90s one of my favorite games of all time and honestly again became one of my favorite games of 2019 You guys probably know, I'm a mega fan of the series like I basically grew up on it from the very started so I have a special fondness for the original three games so this might get a little complicated because this remake of Resident Evil three is a lot of fun, but no it's not the heights of Resident Evil two, it's, it's really a thrilling ride with some shortcomings and concessions I don't agree with. Part of it is just the task of remaking the original you know the source material they were tasked with is very different than that a Resident Evil thesis, but I still think Resident Evil two just overall was pulled off a little better, even still though despite that, I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as some people are saying and Resident Evil two was like a fine wine man you know it's smart, pretty complex, lots of things you can get from it.
Resident Evil three is a margarita, which isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong it's down for a good party time. Honestly, the way it works like Resident Evil to the Resident Evil three was the same in the 90s as it is now with the remix, it's simpler, a little weird and imperfect, it's sweeter, you know, but the game is criminally short this go around, I'll get to it, but just so you know this footage has been captured on ps4 Pro and some Xbox 1x And I tried to keep it to mostly the early parts of the game just to avoid spoilers for you because a lot happens all the time, basically. So, in our eatery, your Jill Valentine during the events of the raccoon cities on the outbreak incident, and you've got to get the hell out of the city, all the while umbrellas newest super weapon is relentlessly hunting. I'm definitely keeping it simple, but if that's the setup. I like this Joe Valentine, they give you a few extra minutes of setup at the start, they could have went a little further with it but she feels like a great mix between a real person, and the Jill you would actually believe exists in this universe and actually went through the Spencer Mansion incident from the first game, she's funny, she's sarcastic but works in this like realistic, but slightly over the top newer resident evil universe. Same goes for the supporting character Carlos cues taken from the original version of him but less cringy with a weird dash of Keanu Reeves character from speed is that just me, I don't know the adventure though is is highly cinematic with constant action set pieces, always pushing the game forward, it's pretty linear.
There's some backtracking, you can do, as long as you don't progress too far and move ahead and lose it and there are some environments that are a bit longer term explorable but you still don't get that same sense of something like the police station or a mansion. This is a different beast. This is still survival horror, you're still managing items you're stressing over extremely limited ammo, but the game left loose far more often and gives you opportunities for the big moments, they're explosive barrels and electrical panels, it's time to dispose of zombies, and you can do a small dash dodge from enemy attacks, and if you time it just right, you can get the upper hand and you're going to need the upper hand to like with a lot of the crazier fun enemies, and the great boss battles. This, of course, we got to acknowledge the Nemesis, the big, hulking group, who was basically a wrecking ball constantly pursuing Gil. Thankfully, and this is my opinion, of course, they didn't ruin it before the game released, they were very much like hyping up the moments where he was going to be like the Mr X gameplay system on steroids, you know like the character constantly roaming, a map, chasing you down, but way more aggressive here, these unscripted moments are very early on in the game and they don't have much, then there's not a lot of it I actually found them the weakest point, these unscripted showdown, often felt a little bit awkward, especially when there were zombies in the mix and you would get punched by the Nemesis and then the zombie Oh grab you, but then you would like clip through him or you had this move where he pulls you in close and then he doesn't really do anything, basically it's not as cool or as tense as it sounds, or as it should be at least except for a couple of stressful moments.
Pro tip though, definitely take him down in these sections, so you can get weapon parts and stuff. Thank me later.
It was Thankfully though, the game does not lose focus on the big story action moments where you bust in and then you're on the run. These like fully scripted scenes are still here, they're still the main focus, they're pretty frequent, they're all buried, and they have me saying, holy shit out loud. The music, the fire effects of the buildings collapsing all of it, the graphics, the way the Nemesis look all that is just so, so perfect for a Resident Evil fan it's exactly what I wanted. Plus, like I said earlier, there are still some good moments of good old survival horror anxiety, especially with a certain few creatures in certain areas, these sequences were pretty stressful and challenging, but you know few and far between, like I said the game moves at a breakneck freakin pace. The same goes for the puzzles too. There are very, very few Resident Evil style puzzles, if you I had, I did enjoy figuring out but I wanted more like the original Resident Evil three.
The focus here like I said is on action in combat, and the weapons they give you definitely reflect that. It's fun to blow stuff up and mow down zombies, which have a few less gore effects on them. This time around, but I still say, Despite the shortcomings, there's still the best looking Best Animated scariest zombies in video games right now, like, full stop. But the big budget crazy cinematic action scenes seem to have come at a cost. There are a substantial chunk of the original Resident Evil three that were cut, or rearranged in a little bit more questionable ways biggest example, there's no interior Clock Tower, anything that hurts, man, I wanted to see that there are a few other examples of stuff like that like fan moment stuff that I don't want to spoil, but you might be bummed out. Still, I think, for the most part it actually helps with the way the story flows I wish we spent more time with the characters but it felt like there was no filler at least like if you can't tell, I'm really torn I'm 50 50 some of the changes and tweaks to locations and roles, make sense, some character changes and new connections are great, like, fantastic. But still, I wish there were more areas and other thing is like I wish they tried to give more modern spin on certain older things instead of just leaving them behind. Especially because like as a remake there is still some really cool respectful nods to the original down to an alley with sidewalk chalk that was burned into my brain from the original game, stuff like that. I really wish it retained the choice decision making stuff from the original game to here it's all straightforward, and there's only one ending the last moments of the game are massively improved though like the final moments, even have one or two things I was hoping for, didn't quite happen built.
Yeah, it's satisfying, definitely, like as a big cinematic moment staple after the credits. Now here's the deal, guys, let's talk about the elephant in the room, keep in mind, I'm a big fan and I played it an insane amount of two, but I finished Resident Evil three in my first playthrough in like well under five hours. That's really short, to be fair, Resident Evil games are actually shorter than people realize. And totally encourage replayability, but the way it works, the pace for this one, and the cut content made it not only actually short, but it feels short to be completely fair though, I immediately jumped back in on a harder difficulty to play again because I found it a little too easy the first time, and I'm still having fun, because I love those big moments, but it's not as replayable as some other games in the series and there's a, there's a few less incentives. This time around though after beating it you do I'm not a shop where you can spend milestone points that you unlock throughout the game, to then gain special items like some of the cool classic weapons and come to a stack and skins and stuff. I think it's a fine replayability incentive, it's okay.
All of this helps but you know there's no beating around the bush, the game just feels brief, it doesn't feel like a spanning epic, you know like, the length doesn't usually bother me for game. You guys know like I don't always bring this up unless it's really bad, I have a high tolerance for shorter games, I still recommend playing this one, absolutely. But just be aware, like when are you going to get it when you're going to play, it's a short slightly flawed ride, but it is a ride, it goes upside down and does looky loos and most of the stuff you'd hoped for at least, I guess it helps that the game includes the asymmetrical standalone multiplayer game Resident Evil resistance. It's essentially a little left for dead survival trial, you get to go through the levels of the group of survivors, each player playing unique character with some different traits and stuff. Objectives are usually like to get to the exit or find the right items to get the door to open, stuff like that, you find all manner of zombies and creatures, but it's someone else controlling another player one person actually plays as a mastermind and sets traps and attempts to slow players down all of their security cameras and stuff. Once you can jump into certain creatures like a zombie and control them, and that's surprisingly fun I've had a lot of pre release experience with this, some of this gameplay is a few weeks old, just so you know, but I actually like it more than I thought I was, I wasn't into the idea when it was announced, but now, at least I find it like some fun way to pass the time. Well, I forget about it probably isn't going to be the next esport. Probably not, but I'm curious to see if the resident evil community embraces it because we're an odd bunch, so yeah, ultimately there is some issues with this Resident Evil three remake, it's not a flawless gem, it misses a couple of important things, but ultimately it is still a hell of a good time. I can guarantee you, whether you buy it half price you play it a couple months later, you're gonna have a really good time playing through it and I'm still if anything more excited about the future of this Resident Evil Remake universe, if that makes sense. I really can't wait to see what they use x, and how they do it, but that's it before you buy you know how this works by now it gave us some pros, some cons, and some personal opinion.
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