God fall

Developers: Counterplay games

Publishers: Gearbox

Platforms: PS4, PS5, PC

        Game published by gearbox and developed by counterplay games and it's available on PC and on the console side it's exclusive to PlayStation five the gameplay captured here is on PlayStation five and there are no spoilers or anything like that if you're concerned leading up to the launch of Next Gen god bolt didn't exactly catch my eye I'll be totally honest didn't really look like my thing and my friends and I just kind of were focused on the other games that interested in us more like Demon Souls remake and spider man God fall felt a little bit like a me too type of games as a service II type thing but like we weren't sure if it was that's just some context leading up to things how I felt but a lot of you guys had expressed interest in this. We didn't really see that coming, but we decided to take a quick look at this game. And my immediate first impression is that God fall is nowhere near as bad as lots of people are suggesting but it's still not amazing. It's kind of forgettable. Yeah, and I don't know how compelling the loot and the grind really is. But the game isn't a disaster. The combat can be pretty fun. But is it worth 70 US dollars? Probably not. 

        But still I had a good time bashing stuff and getting loot combat gets more complicated as you progress and build your character and although it's not without some flaws that can be kind of engaging and fun killing stuff. It's just a world and characters you may not care about as much and then the loot mileage and all that stuff will definitely vary from person to person. That's just my opinion on it. Let me break down what the game actually is and its various systems to help you decide story wise, the setup is straightforward enough. You know, it's a weird sci fi fantasy world where there are gods and warrior people. There's two rulers who happen to be brothers and one brother macros betrays Oren and leaves Oren for dead as he goes off and rises to power. Now Oran survives and sets out to stop it. And guess what you're in. You're in this HUB Zone with a presence that guides you as you access a map, venture out, kill things, build your power and your alliances and do God full of stuff. Combat is the game's bread and butter and it's pretty much mostly all you do. And like I said, it's pretty good. You run around simple levels that get a little more complicated as the game develops. But you're running around through these pretty simple levels. You're slashing your way through enemies, and occasionally venturing off the path to find a treasure chest or something else hidden combat itself. Feels nice the swords clash hammers slammed down, pole arms do whatever pole arms do with it all gives you some good on screen visual effects and good feedback in the gameplay and controller feel. The differences in the weapon types are fun to mess around with and both have a light attack and a heavy attack. There's also a good flow built around smacking enemies with light attacks to build up a weapon energy and then unleash that energy with a heavy attack that's Supercharged. It makes you think twice about just spamming heavy attack for no reason. And it goes along nicely with other abilities you require. You have a shield which you can use to block or time with a nice little parry in the parry feels fine if maybe a little too generous. You can stun characters you can break down their defensive meter you can do finishers, there's quite a bit here. You can dodge and dodge can be upgraded. You can have a charge strike a pull mechanic and each different variant of your suit which I'll get to in a bit has its own different old really as all the abilities and all the complications in the combat do stack up it does manage to be pretty engaging, you do have to pay attention and if you get good at it, you can combo and combine a lot of abilities and just do some really cool shit. And there are lots of cool mid bosses and bosses to fight and those are when the game is at its most fun the games controls and the way it's designed is responsive enough to handle multiple enemies at once, even though it's a very close over the shoulder camera. But I do want to point out that the camera might still piss you off. 

        Sometimes there is an indicator when off screen enemies are near. But it can still happen and they can still wacky from behind and it can still feel kind of awkward that of course there's the loot characters and chests drop all kinds of glowing little orbs for you and it's often weapons charms rings or other type attachments to build your character out at different stats and little buffs and it doles out things the game doles out things really really frequently. You're always getting new stuff pretty much at a constant stream for a while and it does feel like one of those games where you're on a hamster wheel constantly just running forever getting better stuff, getting better stuff, and then you can break down older stuff for resources. And in the forge you can unlock you can spend resources and upgrade your current weapons and equipment up to five times or you can enchant your equipment to make it more rare and roll better stats. Have you heard this before? Stop me if you've heard this type of stuff. The loot for me wasn't very exciting, other than the actual weapons themselves, but that's just me. Personally, you know, if you're not tired of grinding for colored loot in games like this, then maybe God fall will be a paradise to you. I don't know it does also give plenty of opportunities to grind it knows what type of player it's made for. You can hit Twilight beacons in the environments to essentially spawn new enemies around and new sub objectives to complete that is all completely optional. Especially you're going to want to grind and collect stuff and do whatever you can because you want to grab resources to craft new valor plates at the Home Hub. Valor plates are like the different suits for your character. The suits all completely badass and all have their own different bolts and stuff and you can even spec each one out with different equipment if you want to kind of make them play a bit differently and act as different builds the further you get in the more distinct they can be. Now the skill tree I think is the best part though level up and earn skill points to buy and unlock new abilities that all seem to make a difference and give your character more stuff. Different shield throws different attack combos. buffs are new Dodge there's a lot and I think they're all meaningful and I really like the skill tree part of the progression more than anything else all the other stuff totally underwhelmed me but actually the skill tree abilities. I really found myself liking now all of this stuff. Is it enough to keep you hooked? I don't know for sure you can create a party you can play with a friend. But the levels are pretty. They aren't very interesting beyond that the combat is pretty fun for what it is but the loot and stuff is kind of just the same old story from other games and now then there's the plot and the world you know the world looks cool and shiny but honestly I couldn't care much about what was going on what was happening when they were trying to build here. It all just kind of feels lifeless and soulless, you know, despite the bombastic action and cool style and everything shiny and everything's awesome, and everybody has this crazy suit of armor with this wild hair. It still just manages to not have much identity, at least for me and that made me lose interest. Now like I said, a lot of this is subjective. 

        I think some people might dig this game. I won't write it off completely it might find an audience or at least a small audience there somehow. But for the price, I was hoping for something that would hold my interest longer but if you are someone who's into just mashing combat, like just destroying crates and fighting mid bosses over and over again and getting cooler and more powerful weapon stats God fall might be for you.

        I think the combat is engaging enough but I just I couldn't really care too much. I didn't find the game deeply flawed by any means. But that's about where I'm at so far. I didn't get to the end game yet so I can't judge that but you know first impressions that's where we're at just wanted to give you some breakdowns of the systems some a little bit of personal opinion and of course some nice crispy gameplay and like I just said it's a before you buy it give you a pros cons personal opinion. 

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