Farcry 6


Publishers  : Ubisoft , Ubisoft Milan

Developers : Ubisoft Milan , Ubisoft Toronto

Engine        : Dunia Engine

Platforms   : PS 5 , Xbox , PC

        It definitely helps a bunch Farcrysix as you play as Danny Rojas as he or she leads a revolution to free Europe from the fascist dictator Anton Castillo, Yara is essentially a fictionalized Cuba and the Caribbean setting is pretty damn gorgeous with a surprising amount of variety to it to take down Castillo, Danny has to unite three groups of gorillas and as you'd expect that involves gaining their loyalty first through three sets of questions. Gameplay wise, it presents a very familiar set of circumstances to anyone who's ever played an open world game, beat the tutorial slash expos a find the first group of gorillas it's been five hours helping the mouse and gain their loyalty and then move on to the next one, etc. In between Yara is your oyster and Danny can basically drive around and do whatever the hell she wants. Mostly, this will be to clear roadblocks to unlock fast travel spots, no more radio towers to climb here. Here and to disable anti air weapons so you can fly around the air without getting shut down. Both of which are absolutely essential for getting around to and from objectives. This is the biggest Far Cry map ever, not as big as Assassin's Creed Odyssey, but still enormous. So get ready to declare camps again and again. And again. And again. And again. This is essentially what you'll be doing in Far Cry six going from each quest marker to the next while clearing out parts of the map. Interestingly enough, there isn't a difficulty option in this game, you either pick the story mode or the action mode, which basically serves as easy or normal mode and FYI, if you see where their health bars are going down easily, you know they're playing on story mode. Difficulty is player determined instead as each region has a level and the higher it is, the harder the enemies are. So ignoring optional activities will make the game harder since the game will out level you as you enter these new zones. And I was typically under level by one or two pretty much always because I just focus on the main story for the most part. And this was fine for me because I like to challenge and Thankfully the game never gets any story content behind the level requirements. I'm looking at you Assassin's Creed Odyssey. The game though does feature bottom and level scaling such that enemies level up as you do matching their power to yours. And this is kind of a double edged sword because on one hand, you'll always be challenged in prior areas which gives you a reason to go back to them without feeling like it's pointless. But on the other hand, you never get that feeling of power fantasy that some people crave. For the most part I found the side content in Far Cry six rather boring. It's your typical assortment of treasure finding animal hunting, cash races, etc. mildly interesting for completionist and pretty throw away for everyone else. actual story driven Site contents is oddly rare with only a handful of companion stories that aren't all that interesting and involve lots of chores and running around collecting stuff. Most of the site content is built around finding uranium for buying unique weapons and upgrading your supremo which is sort of your backpack that has your chosen special ability. There are many different ones including rockets, rings of fire, healing canisters, poison ENPs, etc. And it's a pretty cool idea. But honestly, the supremo 's don't really add that much to the gameplay because the ability portion has a huge cooldown, so you'll likely only use it once per fights. It does give you a lot of utility though because you can customize it with mods and install for additional gadgets on it. So there's a bunch of flexibility here and the same can be said with the game is weapon customization system, which lets you install mods, attachments and bullet types to all of your guns. This is actually one of the new changes of Far Cry six every enemy in vehicle is weak to a certain type of bullet. So there's a little bit of that RPG decision making when creating loadouts so you can be prepared for different situations.

        What was smart about how Far Cry 6 does this was that the player can only choose four weapons to carry at a single time. If they want to fish they actually have to go into the menu and equip it which is not only a big hassle, but it breaks the flow of the gameplay as well. I actually think this was intentional design. Because the game doesn't want you to have three different sniper rifles you can flip to with three different bullet types that would be far too easy and jeopardize the fun of real time in propositional gameplay, which is something that has always been at the heart of Far Cry by making it a burden to swap weapons beyond your easy access weapon wheel. The game is just promoting spontaneous play and it wants you to embrace it, especially with how I just mentioned the four additional gadgets your supremo has, you always have the tools to deal with enemies and for Christ's sakes you just have to be smart about it and that's where the fun comes in. Far Cry six is at its best when it lets you interact with its gameplay in this makeshift slightly chaotic way. The best part about the combat is how the game feels and I'm seriously impressed with the gameplay mechanics the gunplay and the movements the gunplay is weighty, fast, slick and fluid and it feels as good or better than most triple A first person shooters on the market. And that's not something you could always say about the Far Cry series rifles have a great sense of presence. The sound effects are fantastic and mechanically speaking They have very realistic recoil in weapons way at least for a video game this leads to a very enjoyable shooting experience that feels like just the right amount of Arkady assuming you're not taking the self route which is also totally viable and fun to support you in this endeavor the game gives you a phone to spot enemies and then the ranks before you run in and it's very quick and easy to use, which is nice. Here's an example of what a typical combat approach looks like a far cry six. When all hell breaks loose enemies are very aggressive, toss tons of grenades and have swarm like AI and they also very rarely misses shots. The hitscan gameplay and the precision grenades do feel a little bit video game, you'll admit it, but it keeps you on the move and makes encounters feel very lethal and fast. Time to Kill is also very good. You can pop an enemy with 123 hits and they can do the same for you too. They're never bullet spongy unless you're using the wrong ammo, which again encourages playing on your feet and using all the resources you have. This is where Far Cry six is at its best improvisational unscripted gameplay with the game giving you great fluid mechanics so you can make that magic happen. Other elements of the game don't fare as well though starting with the overarching story in the tone you see.

        In the tone you see Far Cry sex has a very serious dark side to it, especially with its main villain Anton Castillo. The story presentation features a few shocking moments that I felt were influenced by popular cinema and episodic TV like on ironically Breaking Bad Giancarlo Esposito does a fantastic job of his performance individually he's cruel and merciless and shocking and his blood soaked crusade. But the rest of the game is a goofy sandbox extravaganza party. They tell MCs to go home today 1000s. It's certainly nothing new to the series to have all sorts of tone dissonance. But it seems to be even more at odds with itself in this game, the characters you meet are so wacky out of their minds insane and way over the top. It's almost comical. And I mean that in a bad way such behavior doesn't fit well in a story that's actually trying to be serious and emotional and grim, especially when every single character is literally insane. It just makes it very hard to take seriously. And it's very hard to get attached to the story or any of this when you have this kind of waffle cone humor and silly tonality permeating through the experience at every opportunity and unfortunately doesn't help that the characters in this game just flat out suck including Danny and Oliver companions, enemies. They're so underdeveloped and so poorly written. I really do feel bad for the voice actors because they did a pretty good job. The material they had was just shit. I understand what Far Cry stands for it, but the game wanting to be serious while flying off the rails, cookies, engi is like wanting to have your cake and eat. Needed to from a story and character perspective for Christ's sakes just stretches itself way too thin and it's a shame Castillo doesn't take a more central stage in the presentation, or frankly, any of the characters really Castillo himself gets a serious lack of screen time. In fact, he's only in two actual real time cutscenes in this game, the rest of the scenes he's in our 45 seconds pre rendered cutscenes all of which rendered at a lovely 30 frames per second which is great for cinematic fields, but is also very jarring when I'm playing 144 frames a second, he really needs to be far more of a focus because he has a potential to be one of the best characterization elements in this game, but there just isn't really anything else to him. Great acting cannot say bad underdeveloped writing. The best villains in history have nuanced desires, they're good and bad and they show a broad range of emotions and a deep because of it because he never gets much time in the limelight. He ends up coming across as very one dimensional his behavior only serves his zealous crusade and not actually his overall character. I really appreciated the way Far Cry six ended but it could have been so much more impactful if there was more build up and development to him and just basically every character in this game, it's a damn shame to say that I ended up skipping all the cutscenes after a couple hours which is something I never ever do. 

        Farcry 6 is a paradox and quality. It has two sides to attend incredibly fun free roaming player driven sandbox and a story that is presented so Nadine quirky that it's best not to even take it seriously We had a lot of fun in Far Cry six when it was just me my guns, my tools and the game it's profoundly beautiful. It feels awesome the mechanics are on points it has great customization, fun weapons, plenty of creative ways to use gadgets and interact with the world but everything else beyond that is pretty blasé. I guess though that's been par for the course for Far Cry for a long time. 

        Far Cry is always going to be weird and fun and sometimes quite shallow but it's advancement through time is very Odyssey what it does great keeps getting better but the areas it sucks at keep sucking. I'd really love to see Ubisoft either make a serious Far Cry game or go all out with the insanity such that the story actually aligned with the gameplay Far Cry six lands somewhere in the awkward space in between. If you enjoy open road games first person shooting or love to mess around in video games sandboxes with modern mechanics that feel great absolutely get This game I'm confident you'll find a lot to love in the 15 or so our campaign there's also some pretty good Co-Op action in the mode called insurgency which provides some weekly live content for you once you finish the game but if you don't like Golden Road games are on the fence or have Far Cry fatigue syndrome you might want to wait for a sale overall Fantastic next gen Far Cry gameplay a weird  story bad character And the same formula as before.

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