Control is supernatural third person action adventure will challenge you to master the combination of supernatural abilities modifiable loadouts in reactive environments while writing and printing. Let's just have a quick look at the graphic controls. Lots and lots for this game, you can either go in with Direct X 11 or Direct X 12 Now I've tested this on a 1070 PC, and also a 20 ad, and it has to be said guys that it ran 40 on both of them on the 20 ad I had everything on with raytracing on Macs and everything on Macs and it ran all right, until there was lots and lots of shit going down bombs, and then I had to turn it down just a little bit about quite a little bit just to get it to run at around about 60, 70 frames a second because before that it was running at about 40 to 50 and I was getting creamed drops and stutters. There are definite performance problems with this. This was running it in 10 ADP as well. So yeah, I wasn't running in a really high resolution on the 1070, it was pretty much the same story with Direct X 11 You could run it fine, but there were a few frame drops for to keep everything pretty much on max with AvaTax 11 So they go guys with a 2080, you're gonna have to knock a little bit down, or your will get a few raindrops.
Graphically it looks really nice as well with him. It's got some really good cutscenes in as well and we know how much I don't like cutscenes, but in this one I don't mind because it has a really good story. Now the story I'm not going to spoil it for you because it's only a 10 hour story. But there are other little offshoot stories a side quest as well. Basically you clear. Jessie, and she's looking for a family man, I'm not going to go into it. There's nothing. She's got a personal story going on here that actually enters this agency, she finds a whole host of other characters. Maybe all of them female well all the important ones are female because it's 2019, and if it were male, then the developers would clearly be sexist so they have to bow in yields and bend the knee guys, because it's 2019 Kneel before us. It will give us, females the females in charge of everything important than the game can sexist, but they are quite interesting characters and the story behind them is really good as well. Also, are the side quests, it's not just about the main quest line the side quest where you do things for the people that you need them in the janitors, awesome. I really like the gentleman, but he's a man, but obviously he's just sweeping the floor up just so is this game any good then. Yes it bloody well done well is it, it is very good guys, I'm really enjoying playing this game.
On the screen, it is a pretty what makes it so good. It's the supernatural abilities that you get the good players good, you have this pistol that as you go through the game, you can morph it into different types of gun like a charge that kind of power sniper gun. Shotgun kind of thing, it's just by the press of a quick tap of a button that will change the various different things. It doesn't require ammo reloading it just recharges the ammo when you're not using it takes a few seconds. I don't know why but it just does, but you also get these supernatural abilities. That's to say, guys. Half Life two updated gravity so there you go, that's pretty much it, you can level that up with a purchase to a skill tree, and after almost beheld, I went full on into that, so that I can pull people around. Guys, it is so much damn fun when you just pick up a guy and film in someone else's face. It is so damn satisfying, and the enemies react really well when they've been shot that the like you can feel them reeling under the bullets or the guns have a bit of weird. The gunplay is great, but there is a downside to all of this third person. Now this is why I get a lot of third person choices in games. The amount of times and, honestly, I've lost count of the amount of times that, that stupid card got in the way of I couldn't even see what I was shooting, half the time, for she just keeps going in the way. And I'm just quietly thinking we are the enemies about that but all I can seize your back for now, I have found a key that quickly shift view, and I'm having to use that all the bloody time. It's so annoying why they didn't just make it first person I just honestly I don't, no one will ever convince me that third person is it is a good idea, it's think awful, who gives a query and see your character, you want to see the can people. You're not the boss of the woman that well I don't know like she's got a quite nice. That nobody here I'm saying, Who cares why do you want to see, looking after being screen, what's the point, what do you, what, what, kicks, you get out of it. What's the problem with that. Why do you like it, what is to get back to the good because this game is like, mostly good.
Oh, guys, at last. At last we have a game where you actually have to crouch yourself. You don't just press a button and it automatically runs over to a barricade and hides your you have to do it yourself and when you crouch, if you want to shoot somebody. You have to press crouch to stand up again and bam bam bam. It's old school guys, it's old school and it feels like you're actually doing it not like the game is doing it for you and sort the commentaries that come apart from the fact that it's third person and she actually gets a new wit and the combat grit, it's the best thing about the game. I mean, the story is good too, but the combat grid as well as the AI is a little bit hit and miss with this game some kind of grid, I mean you can't ever expect it to be grid all the time. I mean, it's it's called fear compass is perhaps the best di I've ever seen that did this. The I kind of run around like headless chickens for no reason whatsoever in fact was one guy came running up to me and I thought, you're just doing that to give me. I was half dead. And as he killed and shoot the enemy they dropped blue shards of them, and they, they like help because they helped us regenerate in the skin, you get your help by killing the enemy foot is another plus that like none of this we've generating health products. But coming back to the I sometimes don't take covers, sometimes we'll shoot back from the cover. Other times, we'll just wander around by six, and you just like shooting them as the hitboxes are very tight on this, you have to be absolutely 100% accurate to hit them, which is another great thing about the combat, which is why you see me missing a lot, because it isn't easy, even with a mouse and keyboard just to get a headshot headshot I mean Apocalypse for headshots that give us something, an extra 40% damage so a lot of the time I do try to go for headshots and looking to see how bad or short I am when you bear in mind I'm actually aiming for the head when I'm shooting the movie, so you have to kind of be good, you have to get good at the shooting in this book.
The AI could have been better, it could have been a lot better, the environments that are all around us so believable. It's so well done. It first up like doing this corporate center but then you wonder the maintenance area and the border the science area, and it's all just like wow this is so believable, it's like, I believe, I believe to be happening. And that's half of the battle when you play and again if you can kind of believe that you are in that place, as that person then you invest, you will win. And you do and you don't get a lot of help in this game as well as I've got markers everywhere. It does have markers on things that you can pick up and stuff which is annoying and I couldn't get rid of that. I would have liked it to be a bit more like queer did remind me of Korean half life to be honest the skin, just the environments the people, the abilities, I guess, and it brought back all of that kind of vibe. It's not as good as Korea in the half life but it is a very, very good game, and you can take your time with it and you can get way more than 10 hours or 10 hours is just steamrolled and like added to the actual mean story, but if you start branching out and exploring a bit you can stretch it out a bit more, but some of the enemies that you find there's not a lot of them I think there's about four or five different types of enemies I never saw any more than that anyway, But there could be a couple more hiding around somewhere where you've got guys floating around in wheelchairs guys flying around the house guys with big fields on, you have kind of like little boxes search for now and then you get these really tough guys that you have to for forklift trucks up in the face and stuff.
And again, I'm coming back to it, it's the compact, it's the compact that makes this game so good. And guys, mouse and keyboard is so slick on this as well. I mean, we I was really impressed with how slick with the mouse and keyboard was the controls. I never had any issues at all with it except for like I said, the actual person for being a new way, which is annoying, because all four loops and Matt around the place that you can collect to get stuff off people when they die. People drop different mods you can mod your weapons and you can mod itself with, and there's also the skill tree that I mentioned earlier, so there's little crafting is not huge and deep, but there is crafting now that you can modify the guns, and you do get different variations of the guns which is what I was talking about earlier on. So there you go guys control is definitely worth a buy. It's a great fun game. It's not cheap, but it's highly polished. I had one crash I think, and I've got stuck in a trolley, they're the only two things that happened in the time that I was playing the game. So for me, it's worth a buy.
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