Call Of Duty Warzone

Engine : IW

Publishers : Activision

Developers : Raven software, Infinity wards

                                     COD Warzone is a free to play game for XBOX, PlayStation and PC.

Its battle royale mode is free to play on PC but for playing other mods like ; Deathmatch, Search and destroy matches you will have to buy Black Ops : Cold War for this game.

This game is hard as there are many good players who play this game for living and earn money from it.

It is hated by many people because it is not a skill based game it is a PAY-to-Win game as you will have to buy better weapons in the start of the game if you want to win or you will have to play at least 6 hour per day for 1 month in order to unlock better weapons and attachments for the weapons for this game.

                Call of Duty Warzone that's technically free to play haha you know by it, it's free, we've seen these comments 1000 times so I just wanted to make fun of you guys first. Anyway, yes, Call of Duty warzone, this is for Call of Duty Modern Warfare but it can also be downloaded as a standalone free to play game, straight up, it's blackout, or Battle Royale, but for Modern Warfare, and it does come with some slightly new and interesting little hooks so let's let's dive in, we figured we'd take a quick look at it if you're in the Call of Duty and you're still like Battle Royale, this might be for you. Also if you're bored in school is canceled or you're stuck working from home for certain reasons. It's a free to play thing that you might have been passing the time with. Anyway, as of right now, it's a single map, and war zone is squad based Battle Royale, you would a group random more friends, pick a spot on the map and parachuted, there's a circle of poisonous gas that is of course inching closer and closer, and you run around to find loot and guns to prepare yourself and fight your way to being number one. Stop me if you've heard all of that before, that you're also getting the gunplay and game mechanics and systems from modern warfare which I thought were released, and still think now, those are very, very solid system and gameplay mechanics, but I'm not an ultra hardcore player keep that in mind, but I love mounting I love the feel of the guns the movement and the new engine, in general, that's just me. You get all that gear. What I did really learn to enjoy quickly, it's a good emphasis on verticality in this mode too. There are mountains and woods and flat farm fields. Yeah, but there's a lot of buildings and a lot of tall buildings and being able to climb a lot of use your parachute and stuff really gives the game a lot of height in fun and interesting ways that you at least always start off with a pistol, but you of course, run around and raid buildings and quickly pick up guns of all kinds, either floating around in rooms, or in these loot crates that usually pop a bunch of stuff at once, guns have different colors of meaning just how cool they are and how many useful attachments, they have, and the best most useful ones usually have nicknames. And if you're really lucky you can pick up a gas mask to help save you from the gas, or even a one time use UAV drone or air strike or a couple of other things I'll get to, and also keeping yourself armored is important to you pick these up I like the feel and like the use of these you hold the button when you have them in your inventory and your character puts the armor plating over their chest, and then you can take a couple more hits, and there's a really good feedback system for when you're shooting other players and you know they have a bunch of armor on. It's just good to be aware, plus there's a really good pinging system as well which is good for a game like this. Call of Duty as big as it is does have a lot of casual people playing, who might not have a mic and a headset and stuff like that. It takes up like the s&p stuff from Apex legends of the best ways for the pinging and marketing enemies, marking items, highlighting certain areas that stuff. It feels a lot like apex in that regard a lot but I don't think that's a bad thing because Apex Legends is pretty good. So there's the looting elements there, but it all boils down to this loser crazy fast twitch shooter, you know, who can shoot who first. That's called duty it's always been that way, but being prepared with certain tools, definitely does help a little bit. This is where the cash money system comes in, players you kill drop money to some houses and some rooms have piles of it, and you can find it in crates to save all your money and find buy stations randomly in the map where you can buy back one of your dead squad mates or bison armor or self revive to be prepared if you're down, little things like that will give you the advantage the slight leg up, you might need if you come down to like the final 10 players, you know, but the big one is to buy a loadout drop request this one time these item allows you to call it a drop this special drop allows you to access your custom loadouts and take them with you, you know, the tried and true custom loadouts from the standard of Modern Warfare multiplayer, if you own the game and you've been playing that chances are you have a good set of weapons that are likely going to be better than most of what you find. Plus, it's your tool set, I want to emphasize that the weapons the throwables and even your loadout perks, some with adjusted rules for the mode, it's the stuff you're used to. It's the stuff you've probably been grinding out on the multiplayer forever, so it's pretty good to have this is just a really clever inclusion, in my opinion it's a nice little hook that I'm all about and hopefully tie the game in and makes your loadout, but you spent so much time on field kind of like the ultimate Grail, I can't emphasize just how satisfying and how effective that is, and another good way to earn that money in game and kind of keep things a little more engaging, other than just crouch walking through a field is the contracts, These are like little things on the map that you pick up and give you items. Sometimes it's as simple as just go here for find this crate and then find another crate. Sometimes, it gives you a marker and makes you kill a specific player, or recon and take over a certain building to get these not only shakes up the flow of things quite a bit, but it gives you that money that you want and you need. Now not only is it nice to spend on loadouts and be more prepared than others, like I mentioned before but buying like certain high end tacticals like those streets type stuff like an airstrike and then just making it rain is also just very very satisfying and works with this flow because not only is it just about being the best player, it's about being a savvy and smart player as well. It's also a bit more engaging because you get a nice second chance, you get killed, and then you get this cutscene where you're captured by enemies even in the negative sense, but I don't know, you're you're thrown into what is called the gulag, you're basically now in Dead player jail, the game really really smartly forces you to play one super fast go a gunfight, you know, the awesome mode for Modern Warfare. It's one v one in this jail in a very small confined map that is very reminiscent from the old Modern Warfare days and also straight up rip from the rock, you know, remember that Nicolas Cage movie they drop you in with a random weapon that both you and the other player has and the time is really brief and you go, it's exhilarating and it's so much fun, and winning and getting to drop back in a second time and rejoin your friends is such a great feeling, and I can't emphasize that enough. And plus if you get in there and there's a queue, you get to observe the matches from your jail cell above and then just like punch other players and throw rocks while you wait. It's really dumb. Kind of like PC survival game stuff that I just really appreciate that that's the unique stuff that I do like about this experience. Plus, the parachute is a lot of fun as well, because thankfully like a few other FPS open environment board games you can just redeploy your parachute whenever you want. It's really generous, you don't need a lot of height. So, it's great. Verticality I mentioned earlier, and just great for slipping away off of a rooftop real quick or something like that most if you're really high up you can release your shoot and then fall mid air and shoot an ABS, while falling, and then redeploy your parachute, again, and float down to safety, and that's just awesome and really dumb and fun. 

Does it make sense. No. Does it need to, I don't know I don't think so, the map itself is okay, like it looks kind of generic you've probably seen a lot of it by now, but it does make for some good shootout scenarios and it's nice to see some really fun familiar elements returned like the crashed airplane at the airport totally reminds me of Mile High Club which I very much appreciated. Also really slick designed to have the names of all the areas float above the actual respective areas in real time as you're flying down from them. I'm pretty sure other battle royale games have done that in some ways, but the way it looks here, and the font and everything the execution is just really cool. Screw the stadium No, I hate the stadium, it's worth place and again, also the other new thing I wanted to point out that accompanies this is plunder mode, This is more focused on getting and collecting the money, and whoever gathers up the most and brings it back to safety, wins. This is still in the big battle royale map so it's still goofy and crazy, but it has a few more layers to it, but you know you get the money and you go to do like a dark zone division style drop off to a helicopter or you get lucky enough to find a little Fulton balloon type thing to instantly deposit some of it, it's a bit more of an accessible mode, you know, there's response, so it's a good way to kind of get your feet wet and learn the map, 

or just something else to play if maybe you suck it Battle Royale and you're tired of getting your ass beat you can play wonder mode and have a little bit more fun, a couple bits of criticism I still don't like the way the vehicle controls, also I mean it just makes you totally a sitting duck on the radar, it shows you it so maybe avoid them, but the way they control, I'm still just not really happy with. I've had much worse but I think a game that's as polished as Call of Duty, like, like control wise I think they could do better. Also the waiting area lobby thing is like a weird waste of time. 

You know, they take the time to do the whole drop sequence only for you to land and then usually instantly. The match starts the actual match it just feels weird and messy and definitely confusing for first time players. I just prefer the old pub G style of just having everyone standing around and punching each other in the face in a random place, but I digress. The other criticism I do have is just of Modern Warfare itself like the game pushed me to buy the battle path quite a few times. Pretty obnoxiously like with pop ups, I get it, you know, especially because the offering itself is technically free to play, but I wanted to point that out for the sake of keeping you informed. I know some people really get bothered by that stuff, otherwise I think is a fun little offering that might actually keep you busy for longer than you'd expect, if there weren't so many other games releasing right now, I'd probably find myself hopping into this and playing it more from time to time because I had some fun, and of course these games are always more fun with friends, but it's pretty simple it's straightforward, it's a good time. If you already own Modern Warfare chances are your games already updated with it, check it out. Either way, of course this is before you buy you know how this works by now I give you some pros and cons, it's a personal opinion and I want to hear yours down in the comments how do you fell about my content .

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